CT State Animal Response Team

A Program of the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Foundation


CTSART is based on a similar program in North Carolina, NCSART, which was founded after Hurricane Floyd claimed more than 3 million domestic and farm animals. Many could have been saved by a coordinated emergency response plan.

CTSART is based on the principles of the Incident Command System (ICS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) . Its functions involve a coordinated effort between governmental agencies and private organizations. Using ICS as a set of core principles, CTSART develops units addressing all aspects of disaster response on a regional basis within Connecticut. Click for an organizational overview of ICS.

Our structure is organized at the grassroots level as Regional Animal Response Teams(RART). RARTs are under the jurisdiction of local, Regional and state emergency management, and include animal control officers, cooperative extension, law enforcement, veterinarians, public health, agriculture and concerned citizens.

The Incident Command System (ICS) has been recognized by the Department of Homeland Security as the most effective system for managing emergencies. This system is a component of the National Incident Management System (NIMS).